Novell Netware 6.0 (可開機) 英文光碟正式版 (2片裝)
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^2002年1月最新 V6.0版!
我想看到這個抬頭,就知道不用我多說了,對的,全新的NOVELL NETWARE 6.0正式
業系統中最高的,而且系統要求不像NOVELL NETWARE 5已大幅降低,在SERVER的設
計上更將許多SERVER設成網路的SERVER讓你一安裝完就是一個完整具有WEB SERVICE
2002.01.13 全新〞光榮 〞上市 XYZ Studio
Novell Netware 6.0 (可開機) 英文光碟正式版
!!!安裝說明: 直接安裝即可,授權檔放於DISC 2。
!!!相關網址: http://www.novell.com/
NetWare 6 是Novell的主要網絡平台,它能跨越各種類型的網絡、儲存系統及客戶
端桌面提供網絡服務。NetWare 一直以來都是網絡管理員的堅誠夥伴,它不但能為
目。NetWare 6 除了秉承這個傳統外,還為最終用戶提供更多直接的服務,讓他們
NetWare 6 專為現今的網絡化經濟而設計,它毋須採用完全替換及升級的策略,便
的服務及充分利用現有的技術投資。NetWare 6 提供眾多強勁網絡服務,包括﹕
Novell iFolder能讓用戶無論身處何地,都能跨越所有類型網絡,透過任何具備上
網功能的電腦安全地存取檔案及進行檔案同步操作;而iPrint 則令互聯網打印成
此外,NetWare 6 的NetWare WebAccess則能大大減低成本及管理複雜度。用戶無
、打印機、電子郵件、行事曆及企業通訊錄等。另外,NetWare 6還可讓Windows*
、Macintosh*、 UNIX*、Linux*及以網站為基礎的客戶端工作站在毋須安裝Novell
客戶端軟件的情況下,連接及儲存NetWare 伺服器上的檔案及數據。
Novell NetWare 6 is the Net services software solution that offers you
secure non-stop access to core network resources. With NetWare 6 you can
access files, printers, directories, e-mail and databases across all
types of networks, storage platforms and client desktops. NetWare 6
leverages the powerful Novell eDirectory? giving you a way to easily
manage your network from virtually any Web-enabled, wireless device or
traditional desktop computer. NetWare 6 also supports open, Internet
standards and includes innovative, browser-based Net services.
NetWare 6 revolutionizes file access and management by incorporating
Novell iFolder, a unique Net services solution that enables you to
access personal files from anywhere, at anytime through virtually any
Web-enabled device. When you use Novell iFolder, you don't have to worry
about e-mailing critical presentation files from your corporate desktop
to your laptop. Anything you save in iFolder on one machine will be
seamlessly synchronized in iFolder on all of your other machines. You
can work on-line, off-line, at home, in the office or on the road, and
iFolder will ensure that you always have the most recent version of your
file. Moreover, iFolder provides powerful security for your data, ensuring
that your files are always protected from prying eyes.
NetWare 6 also includes Novell iPrint, a remarkable printing solution
that provides global access to all of your print resources through a
standard Web browser. Helping you simplify, secure and accelerate your
document printing processes, Novell iPrint gives those people associated
with your company even mobile employees, business partners and customers
reliable access to secure printing capabilities via Secure Sockets Layer
(SSL) encryption. Novell iPrint is based on Internet Printing Protocol
(IPP) and helps reduce network-maintenance costs by offering your
administrators a single point of management for all of your networked
Ideal for mobile users, NetWare 6 incorporates NetWare Web Access, a
personalized interface through which you can access critical network
resources from virtually anywhere in the world. With NetWare Web Access
you simply use a standard Web browser to log into your network environment:
you no longer need to install special client software on your company
computer. In fact, NetWare Web Access is conveniently integrated with
eDirectory. This means that you can use the same network password to
enter NetWare Web Access that you would use at your corporate workstation.
To further extend your network's boundaries, NetWare 6 supports various
file protocols, including Appletalk Filing Protocol for Macintosh (AFP),
Network File System (NFS), Common Internet File System (CIFS) and systems
application architecture (SAA) for mainframes and AS/400. NetWare's
support for these diverse protocols eliminates the need for client
software: communication is accomplished over TCP/IP and native
applications are run over the network. This protocol support also
enables you to seamlessly leverage the power of eDirectory through
virtually any third-party system Including Windows, Macintosh and Unix
or central administration and file access.
Finally, NetWare 6 enhances your eBusiness infrastructure by offering
reliable fault tolerance through Novell Cluster Services 1.6, providing
multiprocessor (MP)-enabled components, and storing vast amounts of data
in Novell Storage Services 3.0. These features ensure that you have fast,
uninterrupted access to the data that drives your business.
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