
艾美加經典遊戲集4 Amiga ClassiX 4 英文版

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HoneRiSO RipGAMe -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 遊戲名稱: 艾美加經典遊戲集4 Amiga ClassiX 4 遊戲語系: 英文版 光碟片數: 單片裝 保護格式: 無 遊戲序號: 無 系統支援: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP 硬體需求: PC 遊戲類型: 合輯遊戲 更新日期: 2004.12.09 遊戲發行: Magnussoft(N.LiSO) 官方網站: 中文網站: 無 遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Amiga 上的經典遊戲合集,超過 200 個老遊戲,讓你充分回味當年 1M 記憶體 就可以流暢遊戲的時代。 遊戲列表: Action Air Supply Astaroth Aunt Arctic Adventure Battle Squadron Battle Valley Cardiaxx Charon 5 Cosmo Ranger Custodian Cyberblast Cybernoid Cybernoid 2 Cyberzerk Deliverance Disposable Hero Eliminator Exolon Guardian Gunshoot Hybris Insanity Fight Insects in Space Lethal Xcess Moonfall Nebulus Nemac IV Netherworld Onslaught Plague, The Rolling Ronny Rubicon Sirius 7 Slayer Steel Stormlord Sword Tearaway Thomas Trex Warrior Zarathrusta Ziriax Zynaps Adventure Adventures of Maddog Williams, the Another World Antares Beneath a steel Sky Die Karawane der siebten Dynastie Jack the Ripper Lure of the Temptress Pechowy Prezent Projekt Prometheus Sixth Sense Investigations Valhalla - and the lord of infinity Arcade Arkanoid Bandit Mania Benny Beetle in Colorworld Blockhead Blockhead II Bomb Mania Boppin' Brain Man Brainball Colorix Crack Dugger Eye of the Dragon Globulus Goliath - The game of the Demons Leonardo Magic Ball Mental Image Game Disk I Monster Business Obsession Pinball Pinball Dreams Pinball Fantasies Pinball Illusions Pinball Mania PP Hammer and his pneumatic weapon Shizophrenia Slam Tilt Sorcerer's Apprentice Technology 2 Twintris Winning Post Zoom Sport 5th Gear Center Court Tennis Der Trainer Diego Future Basketball MegArts Hockey Powerplay Icehockey Manager Samba Partie Samba Partie Professional Samba World Cup 98 Super Skidmarks Super Tennis Champs Tactical Manager Tactical Manager 2 Tactical Manager Italia Tie-break World Hockey League Manager XTreme Racing Strategy & Sim Airbus A-320 Airbus A-320 2 Approach Trainer Big Picture Black Gold Conquestador Cygnus 8 D.N.A. Debut - Planet Simulation Designasaurus Erben des Throns Flamingo Tours Hannibal (Deutsch) Hannibal (English) Hillsea Lido Hollywood Pictures JU52-Flight Simulator Manager Mobile Warfare Rings of Medusa Space M.A.X. Spoils of War Subtrade - Return to Irata Time Keepers Universal Military Simulator Winzer -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 安裝說明: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧執行第一片光碟 安裝說明.exe 檔案 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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